Schematic on the Fly®

Schematic on the Fly”® is a visual representation or block circuit view of a Cabel Labels Database.

Equipment, signal, cable and connection information is entered into the Cabel Labels Database System, a “Schematic on the Fly®” is then created by examining the data in the Database and drawing it as a Block Circuit – Equipment, Cables and Connections.

Signals have been added in this version which make the Block Circuit even eaiser to read and more useful – particularly when combined with “Fault Find Assistant”.

“Schematic on the Fly”® also has a drawing interface making it capable of more complex functions, but “Schematic on the Fly®” is NOT a CAD System because “Schematic on the Fly®” works in reverse!

First time purchasers please note: Our Database system imports many different formats (excel, text, etc), however we also offer a File Conversion Service which may assist your transition to the Cabel Labels Database System.

CabelLabels and Schematic on the Fly are Registered Trademarks of Ashley Leach & Associates Pry Ltd